Wednesday 10 June 2015

A Pair of Bouquets.

Yesterday I took my mum up to meet her first Great Grandson. We did not liaise on what we were going to take with us. The result? A pairing for Helena's Pairs. Two bouquets of flowers from Sainsbury's! This does give me a chance to show no. 1 in the photography scavenger hunt : A Bouquet of Flowers.



I hope Lauren has plenty of vases. Oh! I nearly forgot! A couple of pictures of the new baby my great nephew. He seems vey content with his honorary Auntie (first cousin once removed is a bit of a mouthful) who has been promoted after 17 years to no longer being the youngest family member.

Baby seems bored with all these cameras already.


  1. well done on the meme pair and lovely to see 4 smiling generations on one sofa

  2. The flowers are lovely, the baby is gorgeous and the photo is priceless

  3. lovely pairing and beautiful baby and family photo

  4. Lovely photos---both the bouquets and the family photo!

  5. The baby is gorgeous! Lovely bouquets as well. It's lovely to see 4 generations all together.

  6. Lovely photos and the flowers are looking even better today. Would attach photo if I knew how!

  7. What a lovely pair of pairs of photos! More flowers is always a good thing, babies are an even better thing.
