Monday 25 July 2016

Memorandum Monday : New in the Kitchen

A happy Monday morning to everyone and a welcome back to our hostess of Memorandum Monday Sian from her holiday. So what's new this week?
 It has been a quiet weekend here but I did get round to putting a new item in the kitchen. Our customers who make bread and have already given us several loaves had another gift thie week. An egg rack made by one of them. 

There has also been quite a lot of fresh produce appearing this week. These globe carrots are from seed we were given by my niece. The flavour of a carrot fresh from the garden is nothing like those sold in the shops that have been stored all winter. Oh and the horse enjoys the tops too!

Then I had a large box of peas to pod. Are you like me? Can you pod these without popping a few in your mouth? I certainly can't!

Finally I was touched by the actions of younger daughter who continues on her trip around Europe. Their travels took them to Nice this week exactly a week after the terrible atrocities on Bastille night. It was I think an emotional experience for them. A message came through with a photo of the flowers they had bought to place with all the other flowers, candles and notes at the pavilion. My thoughts and prayers go to all those families whose lives have changed forever.


  1. What a fantastic gift - and handmade! One to treasure. To my knowledge, I have never tasted a fresh carrot. Must admit I'm shocked to think those I buy may have been hanging round for many months. I'd be better off with frozen!
    Good for your girl, making that thoughtful offering. We were talking about all these many attacks this evening - the number and frequency is breathtaking. I don't know how or when it might stop.

    1. Sounds like something to add to your garden next year Ella, a row of carrots! The reality is that all root vegetables are stored for a long time. They will mainly be harvested in the Autumn / early winter and then stored. Our potatoes are stored over the winter but are mainly gone by April/May. I have only seen Italian new carrots in the shops so far although I have stopped looking now we have them in the garden. I would still buy old carrots over frozen myself. One way or other it will help us see in the dark!

    2. Not a bad idea, when I get a bigger garden! I don't mind the little bits of frozen carrot that come in the mixed veg bags, but I haven't tried it on its own. Must admit I wouldn't fancy it grated into a salad!! :o)

  2. What thoughtful people & crafty too. One of my sisters returned home from Nice the week before the attacks; very scary - how very thoughtful of your daughter to take flowers. I have stopped watching/listening to the news, it creates such anxiety.

  3. I always eat peas from the pod raw as I pod them as they taste so good. Have a good week

  4. I like your tiles!

    You have to eat the peas as you are podding them, that's the 'proper' way to do it! And yes, I agree - freshly picked carrots have a completely different flavour.

  5. You're right. It's just too hard. Eating some peas is essential.

    Your egg rack is beautiful :)

    Wishing you a great week

  6. I haven't had fresh peas in ages, but fresh carrots are a favorite! I love the new multi-colored ones; we've been roasting them on the grill. Your egg rack is lovely!
