Friday 11 November 2016

Short Story: Winter

Today I am joining in with Miriam's six word story. This week the word is Winter so again this week I have delved into my archive. I will let you into a little secret. I don't think any of us were actually in this pram!


I was also like to say thank you to everyone for their messages of support over the past two weeks.


  1. oh I remember my sister in a pram like that - although not in the snow

  2. Another delightful one photo & 6 words that gave me a morning chuckle. When I look at that pram I think of the opening moments of Call the Midwife.

  3. I thought it might be a cat on the cover under the snow! My cat always slept right there on Ben's pram

    Thank you for a great 6 words Maggie.
