Wednesday 2 November 2016

Snap: All Round

I am today joining Helena in her meme Snap. I have been collecting these photos for some time having taken the first one back in February of all things round.
1. Behind the potting shed at Tyntesfield.

2. Haylage stacked for the winter.

3. Wood for the wood burner.

4. An Insect Hotel.


  1. lovely patterns and I love the difference in size and scale

  2. Cool perspective SNAP collection this week. Even when we are kids we want to stack things ...

  3. Great collection! I have exactly the same picture from Tyntesfield this weekend!

  4. Very well observed for a great collection.
    (The bottom photo is amazing but it gives me the shivers.)

  5. What a neat collection of round things. I do miss a real fire, maybe in the next house.
