Monday 27 February 2017

Memos, Me, Mail and Monday

It's Monday morning and the sky is grey and the rain is intermittently pouring down. What a great start to the week. Nevertheless I am sending a cheerful hello and wave to Sian and all the other Monday bloggers.
Well I have no post to report this week but it's been a busy weekend with a lunchtime 60th birthday party on Saturday for which I was in charge of the cake making.

It was out with the Young Farmers for an auction of goods and promises in the evening then a family Sunday lunch. The student has been home briefly and has returned with clean washing and a bag of food. Mum brought me some lovely polyanthus for the garden. Bella is quite taken with the box!

I can't stop for long today as I about to launch into making 24 pancakes, a large potato salad and a casserole of cheese and leek filling. All contributions for the church pancake lunch tomorrow. So have a good week and speak soon!


  1. Cheese and leek filling for pancakes? That sounds amazing! Have a great week Maggie.

  2. that cake looks lovely, you are going to be busy I hope it all goes well.

  3. WOW to your cake creation. Spring abounds in your area of the world (lucky you). Today (Monday) is National Cupcake day so I think I will use your cake decorations as inspiration for work treats. Pancake supper at church tomorrow night. A casserole of cheese & leeks, sounds like a perfect dinner for Wednesday's St David's day meal.

  4. Oh boy! I had actually forgotten it was Pancake Day tomorrow. Thank you for the reminder and best of luck with the lunch. That cake looks delicious.

  5. That's one beautiful birthday cake! And I love the kitty in the box.

  6. Gorgeous cake - and it looks beautiful on 'Gran's' cloth!

    It must be two years since I helped with the pancake lunch - or even three? Those were great pancakes. Have fun!

  7. What a stunning cake! I'd like a white button and two fingers on my piece please! :o)
