Friday 13 October 2017

Pink and Red

I have managed to point the camera at a few flowers in the back garden as well as the puppy. The predominant colours seem to be pink and red.
I love this colour snapdragon.

The fuchsia have flourished in September and October.

Always a good Autumn standby.

This flower has grown in a pot by the greenhouse for many years.

These malope in strawberries and cream variety have flowered all summer but there are only a few left now. They were sold by Sutton seeds as a mallow alternative.

Then a great colour from the Virginia Creeper.


  1. Lovely fuchsia. My neighbour's is still going strong too, whereas mine all conked out weeks ago. How rude!

  2. All looking good, especially for mid-October

  3. Malope in strawberries & cream is absolutely the prettiest of the bunch. In our part of the world Virgina Creeper while a beautiful Autumn colour, it is a killer of other plants if left unchecked & without a provided for fence to grow along.
