Thursday, 5 October 2017

Take Three Thursday: Looking Down

Today I am joining Mary Lou with her Take Three Thursday. An opportunity to show what we have noticed this week depicted in three pictures.
I can only take Poppy for short walks at the moment but I took her for a stroll across the field. Well I say a walk but I did end up carrying her through the mud, nettles and electric fence!
This is what we spotted. It's conker time and it takes a lot to leave this on the ground.

There are also a lot of sweet chestnuts.

Some of the delights of Autumn.


  1. We saw a lot of conkers when we walked in Shillington a few weeks ago - maybe nobody collects them any more. They are so beautiful when newly fallen. Sweet chestnuts are lovely too - didn't realize you had a tree. They always remind me of Autumn visits to Farnborough - perhaps that is the first place we come across them.

  2. Thanks for joining in Maggie. I've combined my 5in5 with my T T T today.

    Where I grew up there were lots of chestnut trees, so I know what you mean about tempted to pick up, we used the conkers for some many games & crafts. Are you collecting the sweet ones for roasting at Christmas? Where I live now we have hundreds of walnut trees & their nuts are everywhere right now.

  3. Conkers and sweet chestnuts are a delight this time of year. They grow in a forest locally but sadly the nuts never seem fat enough for roasting. More is the pity!
