Monday 3 September 2018

A Sunny Walk Along the Severn

Friday was my day out with my walking group. One of the benefits of this group apart from the exercise and catching up with old friends is the opportunity to walk somewhere unfamiliar to me. This month the walk started from a village called Littleton Upon Severn. The name gives a clue to the location and our walk did indeed start by walking along the edge of the Severn River. Both of the Severn Bridges were behind us as we walked with the old bridge closest to us.

It was an ideal day for walking not to hot but certainly sunny and we strode out along the grass path on the top of the sea defences. There were several herds of cows resting and enjoying the sunshine.

You may have already spotted that the two Severn Bridges behind us were not the only land mark.

Oldbury power station was clearly visible ahead of us. The nuclear power station is now decommissioned but a group of maintenance men constantly monitor it.

The  estuary banks are a wonderful haven for birds and other wildlife. It is also only a short distance across to Wales.

It is also a popular sailing area.

We turned in land after several miles walking and walked through the village of Oldbury on Severn.  Our way took us through the village up the hill to the church of St Arilda's which is situated on the top.

The churchyard is blessed with the most beautiful views.

My attempt at a framed view out of the church door was not as successful as I hoped. The over exposure makes the view hard to see.

The older part of the churchyard is kept untouched to encourage wild flower growth.

The final part of this lovely walk took us through a garden and old orchard before the final stretch over the fields.


  1. Lovely new aspect of the Severn. Beautiful walking weather too!

  2. Photo #6 is truly postcard perfect.

  3. What a surprise my village !
    I will be there later this week.
    I live in another country and loved seeing this .

  4. Gorgeous scenery! I love that view from the church yard.
