Friday, 28 September 2018

Framed Garden Views

Most of you will know that I cannot resist an opportunity to take a framed view. Today I am showing some that I took on my own doorstep and will take you on a short walk.
The first is taken in our garden peeping out from under the Bramley apple tree.

Then another glimpse this time looking down from our garden into the main garden.

Then looking both ways through an arch at the side of the vegetable patch. Firstly out into the field.

Then back towards the greenhouse.

Then just as an extra. Have you ever met a drunken sunflower?

Too much gin perhaps.


  1. The chuckle of the day: a drunken sunflower---too much gin!

  2. Lovely garden frames - the sunflower reminds me of that old Candid Camera sketch where the flower drops down and ‘drinks’ from the glass!

  3. Hello, I went by to say hello, since I've been disconnected from everything for a long time. As always I love your work. That I still think that they are not chapucillas, but great works. A kiss.
