Monday 11 January 2016

Memorandum Monday: A Culinary Disaster

I have for a little while joined in with Sian's Me on Monday. Well this year Sian has taken a new slant Memorandum Monday. She has suggested that we talk about something new that we have done or learnt.
Well I have managed to do two new things this weekend. Saturday evening saw us all going to a friend's house for supper for the first time. Sue has recently moved from Bristol to a village near us and we all had a lovely meal with her. Brian and the girls then tried out a bit of disguise.

Hmm I think I will stick to my normal family!
The second new thing wasn't exactly intentional. I had never done it before and I shall hopefully not do it again! It was a bit of a culinary disaster. Did I ever tell you about the Christmas shortbread I forgot to take out of the oven? It was two days before I found it.

Strangely even the dog was not keen on them!
Well this Sunday I had my sister and the grandparents coming for lunch. I decided to make one of my favourite puddings. This would be an opportunity to complete another of the pictures for the Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt No. 11 Your Favourite Pudding. I love lemon meringue pie and also enjoy making it. However today I was in a bit of a rush. It was only when I went to make the meringue that I couldn't find the egg whites and realised I had put the whole eggs not just the yolks in the lemon mixture. Oh dear! Still never mind. With 32 thousand hens we are never short of eggs. Some more egg whites were soon ready.
 Mistake number 2 happened when younger daughter helped out. I turned my attention to the rest of the dinner while she whisked the meringue except I didn't tell her to whisk the whites before adding the sugar. Oh dear! It still looked ok when it came out of the oven. That should have been the moment for the photo! But cut into it soon looked like a lemon earthquake! Not so pretty.

Sounds like a good excuse to make another and it actually tasted fine. Hoping you all have a great week!


  1. mouth watering at the thought of lemon meringue pie - even an earthquake one. Those mouth masks are funny. have a great week

  2. The mouth masks are very funny: isn't it weird just what a difference they make?

    I love lemon meringue and I'm willing to bet it did indeed still taste delicious.

    Have a good week Magggie

  3. You must have been disappointed about the meringue but I'm sure it went down just fine! Looks yum. Love your bell cutters, what a shame - I'm much too much of a piggy to forget to take my stuff out of the oven. Once I was baking with a friend when a flatmate came in and asked whether we were aware that the oven door was not a telly!!

  4. Did you make or buy those mouth masks? Too funny. Yes you do need to make another delicious treat so you can share with us. Shortbread in the oven for 2 days - was the oven on?!?!?

    1. The mouth masks were bought.they belong to my friend. The oven was put on the first day the shortbread was in there. The next day I made a stew which had been slow cooking for some time before I spotted the shortbread on the top shelf!

  5. Ooh, lemon meringue was my favourite childhood pudding. Such a treat. I've never actually made one myself! Maths is not a strong point by any means. I couldn't halve the recipe because it had 5 eggs. There was a bit of head scratching and then I had a (rare!) light bulb moment.

  6. I can confirm that the lemon meringue was amazing and no culinary mistakes were evident. I think the husband farmer boss rather suits that beard too...

  7. I've never made a lemon meringue pie, but my hubby has and he does a great job with it . . . so I let him! LOL Glad it tasted ok and y'all were able to enjoy it anyway. Reminds me of the story of the first cake I baked for my hubby after we were married - the first layer fell in the middle, but the top layer stuck up. With the icing on it, it looked like a volcano and we always laugh about that "lava cake." Have a great week!
