Wednesday 20 January 2016

Snap : Distributing those Seeds!

This wonderful new meme  Snap created by Helena is proving very popular. It is interesting to see all the different creative ideas that everyone is posting. This week I have chosen a collection of different ways in which plants grow and distribute their seeds. The first three are from my mum's garden. The third is the seed pods on a Liquid Amber tree. The fourth is the seed head from a yellow clematis in our vegetable garden. I make no apologies for having blogged that one before.


  1. A great collection for SNAP, and absolutely gorgeous photos!

  2. Absolutely beautiful Maggie. And something new for me too I don't know the liquid amber tree, off to look it up

  3. I've just come from Helena's clever foot prints. This is such a good collection to. Everyone's creativity is obviously being inspired by this new idea

  4. Beautiful photos Maggie and a good idea for Snap.

  5. Nature with it's delivery system - excellent selection & great close up photos.

    PS - we don't get magpies (birds) in this region, wish we did.

  6. These are all beautiful. I've always had a "thing" for seed pods and would not have recognized these as such.
    I especially like the last one.

  7. Beautiful photos..and a great collection!

  8. Seedheads are always so pretty. I tried to photograph some clematis seedheads but the light was wrong - your's look lovely.
