Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Final Choice

The Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt comes to an end as September turns into October. Here are my final choices some of which are new and some you have already seen. So here goes:-
1. The Rosiness of Red.
I have finally chosen for this one a simple apple on our tree. The rosiness makes you want to just reach out and pick it.

2. Stripes.
Deckchairs on Brighton Pier and they were free too!

3. A Framed View
So many choices for this one. I think I have chosen the right one. Part of the Italian Gardens at St Fagan's Castle.

4. Wings
When our friends come to stay in the summer we often take a walk to Felton Common right on the edge of Bristol International Airport. A fun occupation is to lie on the ground directly under the flight path as the planes swoop down to land.

5. Pedal Power.
I found quite a lot of bicycles but this exhibit at the St Fagan's Open Air Museum of Wales shows a real purpose. A means of a delivery service from the shops before cars were very common.

6. Glorious Green.
Our green and pleasant land gives so many options for this. We came across this  beautiful Sweet Chestnut tree  on a walk.

7. An Unexpected Reflection.
I caught this of my friend in the Italian Garden at St Fagan's. Does it count as unexpected? Well I was surprised at the symmetry I achieved!

8. A Pile of
Do these count? A pile of rocks make up these fabulous cliffs at Kilve on the West Somerset coast.

9. Looks Smaller than you.
The day I lifted a massive boulder at Avebury Standing Stone Circle...

10. A Field of Plenty.
Walking through a field of maize towering above us on one of walks.

11. Pretty in Pink 
It has to be the sheep at The Shaftsbury and Gillingham Show in aid of Cancer Research.

12. Bell(s).
I am cheating slightly here by showing two pictures. During our visit to East Sussex we visited the village of Alfriston. The church of St Andrew's also locally known as The Cathedral of the Downs is unusual in that the six bells are rung from the centre of the church. You can see here the ropes pulled back when not in use.

Tucked away in a corner is an old bell no longer used but which rang out over the village for many many years.


13. Equal Portions.
It suprised me when I started to look around how many pairs of old balance scales there were in various old houses. I have chosen a pair in a window of a longhouse at St Fagan's. The house was extremely dark and must have been very dingy. These scales silhouetted in the window show equal portions.

14. A Trilogy of Three
These willow sculptures by Emma Stothard are on the main lawn at Tortworth Court Hotel and are named Dancing Hares.

15. Out of the Blue.
Another wonderful garden sculpture emerging from the blue sky this time at Yeo Valley Garden.

16. Something that could be from a Favourite Book or Film.
A vegetable patch often reminds me of a favourite childhood book Peter Rabbit. Is he lurking under one of those rhubarb pots trying to avoid Mr McGregor?

17. Repurposed.
I have found a lot of possibilities for this and shown quite a lot but I have finally chosen these cottages. They are part of the open air museum at St Fagan's. How are they repurposed? They were originally a terrace of six houses built in 1795 for workers in an iron ore mine in Merthyr Tydfil. Rhys-y-Car Terrace was then dismantled in 1982 and rebuilt at St Fagan's museum. They are now refurbished to show changing living conditions from 1805 to 1985. They show a gradual and fascinating progression of lifestyle throughout these times both within the houses and the gardens.

18. Currency.
A selection of coins found in a drawer from before decimalisation. Pennies and halfpennies depicting the last four British  monarchs.

19. Picture Postcard Perfect.
It's got to be a stretch of Cornish coastline.

20. Mellow Yellow.
The golden yellow of a barley field as a background to the yellow combine harvester.

Alternative A. Shopping Bag.
Farmer husband gets to carry the pink shopping bag after a spot of shopping in the very wet village of Alfriston.

Alternative B. Coupon.
Delicious cakes part of our afternoon tea from a voucher present.

So that's it. Thank you for coming to have a look at what I managed to find and thank you to MaryLou for creating this hunt. 

Friday, 28 September 2018

Framed Garden Views

Most of you will know that I cannot resist an opportunity to take a framed view. Today I am showing some that I took on my own doorstep and will take you on a short walk.
The first is taken in our garden peeping out from under the Bramley apple tree.

Then another glimpse this time looking down from our garden into the main garden.

Then looking both ways through an arch at the side of the vegetable patch. Firstly out into the field.

Then back towards the greenhouse.

Then just as an extra. Have you ever met a drunken sunflower?

Too much gin perhaps.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Take Three Thursday: Mulberry Grove

Today I am taking you through this gate to see this week's Take Three Thursday, a meme hosted by Mary Lou where we show three photos of something we have observed this week.


The gate takes us into Mulberry Grove, part of the gardens of the Elizabethan House Saint Fagan's Castle situated close to Cardiff. It is part of The Museum of Wales and is the original part of what is now an open air folk museum. I have many more photos of St Fagan's but today I am concentrating on these amazing trees. 

There are several of these trees which are mostly Black Mulberry or to give them their full name Morus Nigra. Look closely at the above picture and you will see that the whole tree grows on one branch of this old trunk.
Some are even more dramatic and the original trunk is laid horizontally with a tree still bursting from it.

Some of these trees are 200 years old. The trunks are remarkable to study close up. 

What a story they would tell if only they could talk.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

A Wonderful Workplace

This is the farmer's office window.

All of Monday afternoon Farmer Husband and Farmer Daughter were working on the lambs checking them and shearing off any mucky wool. This field was their office. You cannot ask for a more beautiful place to work on such a lovely day.

Later in the afternoon I joined them to bring them a cup of tea and then took the dog for a walk through these fields.

We are very lucky to live and work in such surroundings.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Can You Resist?

There is that real feel of Autumn in the air and the tell tale signs are there in the garden. The pumpkins are ready for picking.

Apples are ripe.

The sunflowers are getting past their best.

Other seed heads are appearing.

Out in the fields how many of you could walk past this without picking it up?

I had The Boy here today and after a peep in the trough looking for the goldfish.

It was time for some serious conker searching.

Not many can resist the temptation of a shiny new conker and we soon had quite a bag full.

Then it was time for a few sweet chestnuts.  A far more prickly proposition.

The Boy soon had quite a handful but a bit more ripening is needed.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Take Three Thursday: Red Boundaries

Looking around for possibilities for The Rosiness of Red which is No. 1 in the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt due to finish at the end of September I found three different types of boundary. Just right for this week's Take Three Thursday kindly hosted by Mary Lou. So here they are:-

1. A fence in red.

2. A red hedge.

3. A wall with red.

I also found some red berries but they will have to wait for now.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Back to the Organic Garden

A couple of weeks ago I revisited the Yeo Valley Organic Garden which is situated on the edge of the village of Blagdon. It is the home of the Mead family who created and own the Yeo Valley Company. It is essentially their own private garden and is only open to the public on Thursdays and Fridays.
The design of it has sensitively taken into consideration the backdrop of the surrounding countryside with the Mendips rising above on one side.

Including views across to Blagdon Church.

Then the open skyline with Blagdon reservoir as a backdrop in the other direction.

I make no apologies for this next photo although I have shown this very view before but I think it's worth another look.

There are curiosities such as this little house high up in a tree.

A careful planting of Silver Birch trees is surprisingly effective.

Can you see the clumps of white cyclamen planted in between the trees?

A lot of the flowers in the cutting garden did not stand up to the scorching weather with only a few to see.

The onions have obviously been more successful and were drying in the greenhouse ready for use in the cafe.

Next year I must endeavour to go earlier in the season as I am as yet to see the wildflower meadows in bloom.