Thursday 4 October 2018

Take Three Thursday: The Tortworth Chestnut

I mentioned on Tuesday that I had recently done a walk from Tortworth Court. I have chosen part of this walk for this week's Take Three Thursday, a meme created by MaryLou at Patio Postcards.
The first part of the walk took us down over the fields towards Tortworth church.

We then made a small detour around the back of the church.

The purpose of the detour was to see an incredible tree next to the churchyard. This old Sweet chestnut is reputed to be the oldest of its species. It is indeed an extraordinarily old tree.

I have added two more pictures to give a little more explanation. A plaque on the gate makes certain claims about the age of the tree. 

This notice on the board is perhaps easier to read and gives a little more information including a transcript of the writing on the plaque.


  1. Maggie thanks for joining in to Three today. I like that old chestnut; it's encouraging to know it receives protection to continue on.

  2. Hello, I went by to say hello, since I've been disconnected from everything for a long time. As always I love your work. That I still think that they are not chapucillas, but great works. A kiss.
