Sunday, 31 January 2016

A Different Slant on a Ladder

Last week I took a little trip around the farm finding ladders which you can see here. I mentioned then that I had already found some pictures for No. 17 A Ladder of the Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt.The central building in Bath that can be seen from many directions is Bath Abbey. You may recall that I captured it back in December in the early evening light which you can see here.

I mentioned then the intricate sculptures either side of the west side depicting Jacob's Ladder. I have since had an opportunity to pop back to take some more detailed pictures. 

It depicts the angels ascending and descending from Earth to heaven effectively joining both together.

I suspect these might be some of the oldest ladders around.

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Walking in January

I have started and ended January with the same walk. My New Year's Day walk with one group of friends can be seen here. It was an ideal walk for the time of year being mainly on dry paths. Yesterday at nearly the end of the month I repeated the walk with my walk and talk group.
The day was dry and not as windy as forecasted. 
Part of the walk is around Cheddar (also known as Axbridge) reservoir. When you start to walk around the reservoir it seems a long way. There was a lot of debate as to how far it is. 

 It was much quieter this time with no boats and few walkers. 

The ducks and waterfowl had the water to themselves.

On our return we stopped in Axbridge for a bite to eat. This lovely town was an ideal place to stop. The Lamb Inn which is a Butcombe Ale Inn was welcoming and served a tasty lunch before we walked the last stretch along the Strawberry line back to the cars.

I was ready for a quiet evening when I got home having had an early start at 6am that morning to help unload our new batch of 16 thousand hens before starting out for my walk!

Friday, 29 January 2016

Six Words Friday: Wait

I am joining Miriam again today with her Six Word Story. Today the word is wait. I have added a little homophone to this one too. Anyone who knows horses will know they are not always the most patient at waiting!


Thursday, 28 January 2016

Scavenger Hunt Models

The hens have been very obliging this week. They have been modelling for me for two possible photos for the Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt.
Firstly No. 6 A puddle.

Then secondly No. 10 A Windy Day.

Thank you hens!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Snap: Through the Garden Gate

Helena's Snap is proving to be very successful and popular. It is worth looking at some of the other links by looking here.
I often like to take photos through doorways and gates. Not only does it give a frame it gives a peep into what it is beyond. I have chosen two that I took at Oxford University Botanical Gardens looking into two different gardens. 

The third is a less spectacular location and is a peep into our vegetable garden.

Then lastly a little wander into my mum's garden.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

How Neat is Your Parking?

I often walk past these wheelbarrows and they frequently make me smile.  Do they reflect the character of the owners? What a shame Helena no longer does her Pairs these would be ideal!

Neat and Tidy

Chaotic and Untidy

I wonder how they park their cars?!

Monday, 25 January 2016

Memorandum Monday: What's New?

It's been a quiet weekend. I haven't been far, just around the house and farm. So there hasn't really been any chance to do anything new or even learn anything new for Sian's Memorandum MondayNevertheless I am giving a big wave to Sian and all the other bloggers.
What's new to see and to enjoy the wonderful perfume? This one is just emerging.

But this hyacinth has been in full blooming glory for several days. I hope you are getting a waft of that delightful scent in my conservatory and kitchen.

Then outside. I have been out with the dog and camera in tow. These snowdrops are definitely new.

Then look at the fragile new growth on the variegated holly.

Then I turned round to see this lovely sky.

I hope you have all had a great weekend and I look forward to hearing all about it. Have a good week!

Sunday, 24 January 2016

A Ladder for every Occasion

When I first saw the list of photos for the a Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt I noticed No. 17 A Ladder.   An interesting choice by the organisers Eileen and Joy. A mundane and everyday object that can be the access to so many places! I have already taken photos for this item which I will post another day but today I thought it would be fun to have a farm wander and see how many ladders I could find.
So for a ladder hunt:-

Some not used very much.


Steptoe and Son?

In every crook and cranny.

By every bit of equipment.

And to reach the vehicles.

I would never have thought we had so many! My brother in law saw me with my camera and asked what I was taking. I think he was a little baffled by the answer "ladders"!

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Robin Redbreast

Top of the list for the Winter Photography Scavenger Hunt is No. 1 A Robin Redbreast. I thought at one stage that I was going to have to resort to a robin on a Christmas card. There is a robin that comes to my bird table regularly but you can be sure that as soon as I approach with my camera he's off. The other day I caught him.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Six Words Friday: Be

Miriam started this meme last week. Following on from my post yesterday on the frosty weather I have fished out this old photo of our youngest quite a few years ago to deliver my message.


                                Be sure to wrap up warm!

Thursday, 21 January 2016

It's Cold Out There!

We are finally having some really cold and frosty weather that is far more appropriate for the time of year. The last few mornings there have been some hard frosts which look beautiful across the fields. I just wish I had a bit more spare time to get out across the fields!
Some people feel that certain vegetables are better after a hard frost.

All of the garden has been sparkling with ice crystals.

The grass a carpet of white.

It is a time when the animals need more attention. The sheep cope pretty well with the frost but may need extra hay. Most of the horses have hay out in the fields. The frosted grass is not always good for them. Margot is enjoying her extra snack!

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Snap : Distributing those Seeds!

This wonderful new meme  Snap created by Helena is proving very popular. It is interesting to see all the different creative ideas that everyone is posting. This week I have chosen a collection of different ways in which plants grow and distribute their seeds. The first three are from my mum's garden. The third is the seed pods on a Liquid Amber tree. The fourth is the seed head from a yellow clematis in our vegetable garden. I make no apologies for having blogged that one before.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Parsnip and Apple

There is nothing quite like a warm hearty soup when you have been out in the cold. I find that with two members of the family working for long hours either outside or in draughty sheds I need to think about something warming when they come in.
A great favourite is Parsnip and Apple Soup. The recipe I use comes from the Crank's Recipe Book which I see was given to me for Christmas 1987! An advantage of this soup is that I have most of the ingredients which we have grown ourselves. 
There was bit of a struggle getting the parsnips out of the frosty ground!

They come ready trimmed!

I do make a few changes. I usually add some potato. This helps to thicken the soup and they are readily available!

It is not difficult to see that the Bramley apples have lost their glossy look and are a little wrinkled. This doesn't effect them once they are peeled.

Another change I usually make wouldn't suit the vegetarian. I tend to make chicken and turkey stock whenever we have a roast chicken or turkey. I store this in the freezer in approximately pint quantities ready to use as a wholesome stock for soup or sometimes gravy.

The soup also contains parsley and mixed herbs and has milk added just before blending. Sadly I don't have a picture of the finished product because it was consumed too quickly!