Sunday 30 July 2017

A Book to Read

I have always enjoyed a good read although more recently I tend to listen to a lot of books on audio while I am doing jobs around the house and garden. Despite this and having a kindle app I cannot resist a good book. I also find the temptation of a bookshop difficult to ignore. 
Many National Trust properties now have a second hand book shop and I always like to take a peek. Chastleton House had one in the old stables and I was amused to see these signs. This first one is definitely my favourite.

I think this counts along the same lines of having your more intellectual books in your sitting room and all your trash and chick lit hidden away upstairs!
These made me smile too.

How often are you sad when you finish a book? When you suddenly realise that you now have to say goodbye to the characters and move on? The agony is even more at the end of a saga!

I have several books on the go at the moment but in particular this month's choice for my book club. I am listening to this one on audible.

We chose 'Exposure' by Helen Dunmore because she is a Bristol writer who has sadly recently passed away. We had hoped to read 'Birdcage Walk' her final novel but being relatively new it was too tricky to get library copies for those that wanted them. My only experience of her writing in the past has been her two novels set in Lenningrad 'The Siege' and 'The Betrayal' both of which were compulsive but distressing reads.
Alongside this I have started to join Debbie  and Ruth with their online blogging book club type read of Jane Austen's unfinished novel Sandition. 

I am falling well behind with this July read. I took a while to obtain my second hand copy but am persevering with my read. One plus is that I am enjoying the second hand aroma of the book itself. I am gradually slipping into Jane Austen's world. I will keep you posted!


  1. Although my stack of books does not diminish, I've been keeping up with my reading goal for the year. Instead of reading the ones I've bought, I keep finding others I want to read at the library! I'm now in two book groups, one going since 1990, and the other only started this spring.

  2. I enjoyed Helen Dunmore's early books but found The Sege and others quite harrowing. I like all the book 'quotes' - someone is looking after that secondhand bookshop nicely.

  3. It took me a while to get into Sanditon - but about half way through I really started to enjoy it more. I'm not sure if it's just that it took me that long to get into the style of writing or if I preferred the work of the other lady rather than Jane Austen!
