Thursday 6 July 2017

Take Three Thursday: Circles and Crosses

This Thursday I am joining Mary-Lou in  Take Three Thursday. I have chosen 3 photos with the theme of Circles or Crosses in Architecture which is also No. 17 in the Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt. The pictures I have taken are all parts of architecture in buildings which is walked past by thousands and noticed perhaps by a few.

1. The top part of the window on the ruins of Tintern Abbey. Circles rather than crosses.

2. A window on the stairs in Cardiff National Museum.

3. A side window  in one of the domes of the same museum. This time just crosses in the window and railings.


  1. I think you could claim both circles and crosses in that first lovely photo of the skeleton of Tintern!

  2. Yep! All fill the bill admirably!

  3. Thanks for joining me today. The first one is my favourite but all great examples.
