Saturday 15 July 2017

Peach Cobbler

Last week  I posted the peach jam I had made with a surplus of peaches. My sister said that a popular dish where she is in the States is Peach Cobbler. I still had a good number left so started to research the possibility. I looked up a few recipes online but decided to convert my tried and tested gooseberry cobbler recipe from Delia Smith's Summer Collection. I have made a few fruit cobblers but never tried peach.
The peaches were  so ripe that the skin was easy to remove with the dunk in boiling water followed by cold water method. Then I sliced them into the dish.

I added some soft brown sugar and lemon juice. 

Then some freshly squeezed orange juice.

These additions were part of a Jamie Oliver recipe. He suggested baking the fruit for 20 minutes before adding the topping. I skipped this as I felt that they would cook enough in the time that the scone mixture was cooking. I did add a few boysenberries that I had picked in the garden.

The scone mixture is plopped on top with a teaspoon of demerara sugar sprinkled on top. I decided to add a half teaspoon of cinnamon to the sugar before sprinkling.

The finished result was tasty but a little juicy. Another time I would not add so much lemon and orange juice maybe just some zest. It seemed to go down okay anyway.


  1. We were off with a friend to Ithaca and the Finger Lakes today, and the subject of peach desserts came up---a favorite of all of us. It will be another month before local peaches will be available here, but we're already looking forward to it. This looks delicious!

  2. Looks good! Glad to know I helped inspire won't surprise you to know that I have never made one!!
