Friday 7 July 2017

5 in 5 : The Fire Pit

Preparations are underway for the wedding later in the summer and today we all tried out an innovation for the evening party. This is probably the best use of a bit of rust that I have seen for a while so could be a good choice for my photo for No. 8 of the Summer Photo Hunt Rust or Something derelict. A fire pit made from an old tractor wheel cage.

We were invited down to try it out last night and this gave me the opportunity to join Sandie in her monthly 5 in 5. I am a bit late this month but the remit is to take as many photos as you can in 5 minutes and then chose 5. So as the evening drew in I snapped the fire pit blazing.


 There was of course a glass of wine at hand.

 A fried egg was tried out.

Marshmallows were toasted.

Just right for a cooler evening as the breeze picked up.


  1. What a clever use of an old rim. My first thought, it will certainly keep the fire safe & contained & no danger of the little ones getting too close. Brilliant.

  2. What a great improvisation! I love fire pits, we often have one when we go camping. I've not tried cooking a fried egg though! I love rust and have busy making prints onto fabric and paper. You get some beautiful effects! Thanks for taking part this month. You can't beat the nice crackle of a fire.

  3. That's quite a fire pit, looks very good and sturdy. Lovely fire pics.

  4. Great fire images. Yours make me want to try taking photos of fire.
    Have a good day.

  5. Very cool fire pit! We have one, but it's rarely been used. We need to spruce up the area where it resides.
