Tuesday, 5 May 2020

5 in 5 : Just Outside the Back Door

Today I am joining Sandie at Itchifingers with her monthly meme 5 in 5 where the idea is that you choose 5 pictures that you have taken in a 5 minute period. Today sees us going into week 7 of lockdown. We all now have mixed feelings hoping that a bit more freedom is near but also aware that caution will still be necessary and nervous of stepping back into the wide world. 
I am very aware that I am lucky to live in such a lovely place and also to have more freedom because of having our farm to wander around. However this garden has been our comfortable place to be so I have taken a few minutes to take some close ups of what are really very ordinary flowers.

1. A look across our garden from the apple tree.

2.The Granny Bonnets ( also known as Columbine or Aquilegia) are in full flower at the moment.

3. Honesty or Money Plant so called because of the shape of the seed pods grows liberally in the garden.

4.The wallflower is a very common garden plant and brings a lot of colour at this time of year.

5. Clematis Motana is another common garden flower in the Spring. I promise you some more pictures of this another day. 

Let's hope that life has moved forward for us all by the 5th of the next month.


  1. I love clematis Montana but sadly don't have room for it.

  2. Isn't it lovely to see nature carrying on as if nothing is happening? It's lovely to have the time to relax and enjoy all the plants coming into flower, what a lovely garden you have to spend time in.

  3. Beautiful Maggie! At least it is Spring and good weather so that those of us who have gardens can get outside during this lockdown. Your garden is certainly somewhere I'd be happy to spend time. For some reason I can't comment from my mobile, so later than I planned in responding. Thank you for taking part in 5 in 5, it is always a pleasure to see your photos and admire your garden. Keep safe and well x
