Monday 12 October 2015

Me on Monday: Looking to the Future

Good Morning. I am sending a wave to Sian and to everyone on this sunny October day when the sky is perfectly blue without a cloud in sight. Another busy weekend has passed by leaving us all a little weary this morning. This Saturday I cooked the normal Sunday roast as I knew we wouldn't be here to eat it on Sunday and husband farmer is not keen to go without his beef and Yorkshire pud!
Sunday was an early start back on the university looking trail. I am so glad that we heeded the advice of a friend to start looking early as that has eased the tension on this busy term. Nevertheless she still has some choices to make if her grades are less than she hopes so off we headed to Keele. What a beautifully quiet and truly Autumnal journey we had up the motorway leaving at 7am. Few cars and a fantastic range of colours in the trees lining the way. Soon we had joined the hoard of prospective students.

 University looking is not easy. It's tiring. It's difficult to recall what you have seen elsewhere. Everywhere they are trying to sell their "product". Then there are the almost inevitable "my parents are the most embarrassing" looks and mumbled comments. I think Brian did feel it was bit much when she told a student she can't wait to get away from home.... I think that comment could be brought up again...
Anyway when it came to looking at the accommodation only one parent could go so I was quite happy to stand down. You have seen one hall of residence and you have seen them all! It gave me a chance to have a wander and to slip my phone out for some pictures without any comments.
It all looked good in the sunshine. The castle like chapel does rather dominate the centre of the campus.

I then wandered to look at Keele Halł which is the house on whose grounds the campus has been built and I guess was once more part of the university judging by this gate.

The house is now mainly a conference centre and the Raven Mason museum of Mason Ceramics. The grounds were also worth seeing.

It is a lovely setting and had a good feel and I would be happy if she chose the university. Decisions will have to be finalised soon and when that dreaded personal statement is finished it will be time for her to get the application submitted.
On a lighter note we called in on our return journey to see this happy little chappie who we have not seen for a good few weeks. My great nephew and his mum and dad too of course.

He has grown so much!


  1. looks a lovely campus - I guess the down side of having such a fabulous choice of Universities in the UK is the difficulty of choosing which one to go to - in the end for first degree I think that choosing a place you feel comfortable and can imaging living is what works best for most people

    1. You are indeed right Helena we are lucky to have such a fine choice for our youngsters. At the end of the day it's rather down ro who will offer them a place too!

  2. Beautiful campus. Maybe the get away from home comment was really more for the benefit of the other prospect; no one wants to look like they can't be away from home. It is all such a confusing scary time, in spite of the drive (desire) to get there. Keele Hall is a gorgeous building. Maggie I hope you have a great week ahead of you.

  3. Honestly, if she feels comfortable saying that, then you have done a really good job with her! She's ready to go and that's a good thing. Keele looks beautiful. Oh, it's so hard to choose. I'm getting bits read out of the prospectus at me all hours of the day and night here. They're all starting to sound the same..

    Have a good week Maggie

  4. Not an easy choice to make. My friend's daughter opted to live at home and commute to Bath Spa Uni, chosen because it was the course she was really enthusiastic about. Living at home is going to give her a different experience of university, but so far she is loving it and doesn't regret her decision.

    How do you feel about having an empty nest?

    1. I am not sure how empty it will be Eileen as older daughter lives at home. It will definitely be quieter!

  5. It is tough. There was only one place that my boy felt "at home". He also decided to visit only 4 unis as he thought the choice would overwhelming with any more. As it was, they all started to blend into one! I wish your girl good luck in making that choice and I'll be thinking of you all. How can it have been a year ago already! Thanks for your kind words earlier. You were one of the "no reply" bloggers that I couldn't thank personally last week. I was very grateful for the overwhelming support from everyone :-)

  6. Goodness that's an interesting campus! I work on a modern campus, so there's nothing like that there. Our most exciting new addition is a modern gold clad building which, for some reason, has a little truck inside it serving tea etc with deckchairs to sit it! Oh and, there's a light display on a night apparently. I guess I'll have to wait til the evenings get darker to see that [I don't fancy hanging around campus on a night just to see the swirly lights!]

    Best of luck finding a good fit for your daughter.


  7. Interesting campus, I have never visited Keele. Difficult decision but you have seen plenty and in the end these are all good places, it comes down to which course and campus feels like the best fit for her. Glad you managed a visit to see the family too! Xx

  8. An interesting campus to visit, I am glad you had time to take the photos. It is a difficult time choosing where to go. I am convinced my daughter looked at a map to see how far away she could go! She ended up in York which was quite a journey.

  9. Strangely enough, I really enjoyed the hunt for university and again for seminary. I loved getting a look at the different campuses, and listening to what my kids thought of them. We did lots of searching with Sarah for both undergraduate, and then for seminary. Matt ended up applying to only one university when he finished community college, so there wasn't much looking then. Keele is a beautiful place, and I think the atmosphere has a lot to do with not only the choice, but the satisfaction in the end.

    1. I do know what you mean Karen and also it amazes me how they vary. They make me feel nostalgic too!

  10. Ugh! Teenagers! You love 'em but.....honestly...ONE DAY they will have kids rolling their eyes at THEM....what's that saying about 'coming home to roost??'!!!! Looks a lovely campus. GORGEOUS photos...& your little boy of the family - super cute!!! Waving from Sian's:):)
