Sunday, 11 October 2015

A Little More Summer Left in October

I mentioned on Friday that my sweet peas are still in full flower.

These above are some of the show flowers that I grew but I also have a lot of self sown flowers that have reverted to the more old fashioned style.

They are not alone. Many of the summer flowers continue to bloom. This marigold has been flowering all summer and is from some free seeds I was given and scattered by our door.


These nasturtiums also are self seeded and come back year after year.

Most of my apricot foxgloves died back a long time ago. Not this one. This one is having a second lease of life.

Meanwhile the Agapanthus are now over and have left some still rather attractive seed heads.

Then the sedum has started to flower to give a bit more Autumn colour.


  1. The flowers are great - so nice to have volunteers in the garden.

  2. All of these late bloomers in your garden are very rich in colour and texture. This side of the big pond the flowers in my garden are over, although there are still a few rose buds ready to go, I just worry about that first heavy frost heading our way. Do I pick? Do I leave?

  3. You still have lots of lovely colour, then. I do so love the sweet pea; but I have a soft spot for nasturtium's boldness too. They like to take over!

  4. I think I prefer the old fashioned sweet peas. You do have a lot of colour left ... mines just about finished until the winter colour arrives.
