Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Winter Ahead

The hedgerows at the moment are full of colour. There are a variety of rose hips.

And other red berries.

When we were out for our walk yesterday we passed about 4 holly trees completely covered in holly berries. 

Folklore has it that holly trees laden in berries are a sign of  a hard winter to come. We will have to wait and see!


  1. I noticed lots of holly berries at the weekend but hadn't realised the folklore attached - hope we are not in for a hard winter

  2. I hear that some of the swans from Siberia have returned early to Slimbridge this year which is also taken as a sign of a hard winter to come.. Anyway you love a bit of snow!!

  3. I too read about the swans at Slimbridge, and have been noticing the abundance of winter berries of all kinds everywhere. It looks lovely and I'm anticipating a harsh winter.
    Do/have you cook(ed) with rose hips or crab apples?

    1. I have never used rose hips but I talked a bit about uses in my blog last year. http://farmerswifedaybyday.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/colour-in-hedgerow.html?m=0

  4. Beautiful photos - I've heard it said too that more berries mean harsher weather. So far they are forecasting a milder winter here in the Pacific Northwest and the berries are chiming in too - agreeing. The berries are sparse this year.

  5. What beautiful photos, such lovely red berries.
    Yes, I've heard the swans arriving early too, and that we might have a harsh winter. I bought thermals and a warm waterproof coat earlier this year for my trip to the Shetland Islands. I didn't need them there as I was blessed with good weather, but at least I am now prepared for what winter might throw at me.
