Sunday 25 October 2015

The Good With the Bad

I seem to never learn that eating toffees and humbugs should be avoided. I lost a filling the other day when chewing a toffee. I was lucky that it didn't hurt but it still meant a visit to the dentist. I can't imagine anyone enjoys a dentist visit but I am not sure which was worse the sit in the dentist's chair or the sting to my purse when I got downstairs to the receptionist.
The walk back to my car through the beautiful Victoria Park did compensate for it. The leaves were all a ll turning bronze and yellow and keeping the park keepers very busy removing the carpet of leaves from the well kept grass.


  1. Beautiful colours in Victoria Park, I hate the dentist too!

  2. Oh, it's that sinking feeling when you realise what you've done! Been there, had the feeling. And with halloween round the corner, there'll be toffee to avoid everywhere you look!

  3. Oh yes, teeth and toffee is not a good combination for me either. The park looks gorgeous though.
