Friday 25 September 2015

Blackberry Picking

When I go out for a walk at this time of year I try and remember to take a bag in my pocket to collect a few blackberries.

I love the flavour of them especially I a blackberry and apple pie. I am not alone in liking them.

Someone is as quick if not quicker than me at picking them!


  1. I love to mix blackberries, blueberries and raspberries for bumbleberry pie too. The deer herd in our neighborhood like to pick the blackerries. It was not a good crop this year - not enough rain in the spring.

  2. lol! I'd never thought of dogs liking blackberries before.

  3. Very discerning tastebuds, Monty!

  4. Oh no, Monty - save some for the crumble! On the subject of berries, I'm kicking myself as the rowan trees around here have been groaning under all the fruit for weeks and I always thought it was poisonous. Now I read in the paper that with apples they make a great jelly! Alas I think they are now past their best, but something to bear in mind.

  5. great shots of Monty - my childhood dog would snaffle any fruit she came across - dogs really are opportunistic eaters aren't they!
